
Dining believes in the importance of thinking and acting green, constantly evaluating policies and procedures considering their impact on the environment and maintaining a strong focus on healthy and local food purchasing. Menus include vegetarian and vegan options at every meal, and local products are emphasized where used. Waste management strategies include reducing waste at the source, diverting all food waste into a compost stream, and zero-sort recycling.
In keeping with Bowdoin's bicentennial motto, "The College and the Common Good", Bowdoin Dining Service recognizes its responsibility to take a leadership role in environmental stewardship by integrating environmental awareness, local action, and global thinking into our operational planning and decision-making. To capture that ethic and interpret the College's Environmental Mission Statement within our department, we commit ourselves to the following:
Sustainable Awareness
When making decisions, Bowdoin Dining considers the environmental impact and potential for sustainable solutions. The Dining Environmental Committee advocates action and monitors adherence to departmental and college wide sustainability policies. We select and monitor "best practice" sustainability indicators suitable for Bowdoin Dining operations as a method for tracking performance and setting goals for improvement. We keep the College community informed and aware of our environmental initiatives and process.
See more about Bowdoin Dining's sustainability commitment on the Sustainability Policy page.