Shana Stewart Deeds
Whenever possible, Shana tries to get out in the field to explore Maine’s ecology with Bowdoin students. Her predominant course load includes BIOL 2315 - Behavioral Ecology and Population Biology and ENVS 2201 - Perspectives in Environmental Science.
Before coming to Maine, Shana lived in Vermont where she taught biology and environmental science courses and coordinated the efforts to get the Missisquoi and Trout Rivers nationally designated as Wild and Scenic Rivers – the first designated rivers in the state ( Her career interests have always centered on ecology and education, with particular interests in amphibians and reptiles, water quality and agriculture. Her diverse jobs have taken her from farming in Purcellville, VA to conducting ecological surveys with the PA Natural Heritage Program, and from researching river resources in VT to educating students at Smokey House Center (a VT alternative education program).